Alliance Routing Tool

Welcome to the Alliance Routing Tool promoting website. ART is a powerful software that simulates any SWIFT MT/MX message routing. On this page, you will find accurate and useful information about our software. Feel free to look around, and if you have any question, please get in touch with us within the "Contact us" section.

What is ART

ART (standing for Alliance Routing Tool) is the only available software that simulates the routing of MT and MX messages through any SWIFT solution. It simulates both AMH (Alliance Messaging Hub) and SAA (Swift Alliance Access) message routing systems. This software is developed by a team of SWIFT consultants. Its development is led by our ideas and by our customers' feedback to make ART a must-have for anyone who wants to deal with MT/MX messages routing. ART is already used by major players of the banking and financial sector, and you are only a few steps away to join them!

Why should you choose ART

Alliance Routing Tool allows you to play around with any routing in a safe sandbox environment. You can import any AMH or SAA configuration, and export your work to any SWIFT solution whenever you're done.

Alliance Routing Tool makes the best of your routing: any entity is fully customizable through a beautiful and user-friendly interface. Its multithreaded simulator allows you to run thousands of simulations in a small amount of time.

Alliance Routing Tool evolves regularly, as our development team is working hard to provide you any feature you can think of. Join our customers roster and be part of the Alliance Routing Tool players!

Use cases

Manage several environments at a time in one place.

Secure your MT to MX migration to follow the ISO 20022 standard.

Easily add new BICs to your existing routing configuration.

Non-regression testing at large scale with quick simulation results.

Investigate on routing issues faced on your live environment.

Ensure that messages go through the anti money laundering filter.

Compare two different versions of your routing tables.

Assess the impact of any rule modification from your routing.

Software overview

Alliance Routing Tool is a web application deployed on a Wildfly server, running on a Java Virtual Machine.

Alliance Routing Tool is developed with popular langages and frameworks. The backend runs with Java and Springboot, while the frontend uses Angular, that contains web langages such as HTML, CSS and TypeScript. The data is stored thanks to a PostgreSQL database.

Alliance Routing Tool may run as a local software or as a server/cloud-based software. This means that you can either install ART on several computers, or install ART on a server that will allow your collaborators to work on the same database and share workspaces.

Our team

Product owner

IT engineer
SWIFT expert
Senior manager

Lead developers

IT engineers
SWIFT consultants
Scrum masters

Development team

IT engineers
SWIFT consultants
Java developers

They trust us

ART is used by major players of the banking and financial sector, all of them being in the top 20 global banking groups. We are looking for new customers to help them improve their routing, no matter how complex it might be. Our customers have a clean view of their routing and are able to make changes in a secured sandbox context. More important, using ART means being part of the team, as we value feedback from our final users to make ART grow everyday.


We offer several pricing solutions adapted to everyone's needs.

Rental plan

Cheap and flexible

Pay monthly when using the app

Single-user application only
Local software

Minimal tech support

May not request for custom features

From 4 000 € per month

Licence plan

Own your copy of ART

Pay once for a lifetime

Single or multi-user application
Local or server-based software

Advanced tech support

May request for paid custom features

From 100 000 €

Fully managed plan

Cloud-powered solution

Pay yearly to access ART

Multi-user application
Cloud-based software

Full tech support

May request for free custom features

From 70 000 € per year

The final price will rely on both the modules (AMH, SAA, and/or your custom concentrator) and the features you'll wish to get. Please contact us to discuss the optimal plan for your needs.

Contact us

Feel free to get in touch with us by filling out this contact form.
Any field marked with an asterisk is mandatory.

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